College Ready

Sharing strategies for student success, college readiness and academic coaching


Less Us, More Them: Creating Authentic Learning Communities

It’s Time:

Less Us, More Them: Creating Authentic Learning Communities


What are you doing in your classroom to focus more on student-led and student-centered learning?

Engaging students in authentic learning, and encouraging students to use high order thinking skills will prepare them for the world, whether that world includes a college classroom or future workplace. Learning for the sake of the knowledge gained, not grades or points, is what drives, motivates and spurs students to discover greatness. We want students who can analyze, evaluate and create their future…

The time has come.

Trust. Trust your students to be capable of driving their education. It can be challenging, and even messy, to let go but when we do, great things are bound to happen. Trust yourself and your own background and experience as an educator, to be able to navigate this new uncharted territory.

Less Us, More Them.