College Ready

Sharing strategies for student success, college readiness and academic coaching

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Food for Thought: Harper Lee, on the Power of Books


"The Book to Read is not the one that Thinks for you but the One which Makes you Think." ~Harper Lee | College Ready

“People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for.”~To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee


5 Ways to Have a GOOD Mornin’

Improve your Morning! Hint, just add coffee. Problem solved, right?! Ha!

Ok, we all know the benefits of the mornin’ cup o’ joe! Here are some suggestions beyond coffee to add to the mix:

College Prep

One of my go-to ways to improve my morning is by waking up earlier than everyone else in the house.  It is so quiet and peaceful. So mornings, it even gives me the chance to watch the sunrise while I drink my coffee.

That quiet time–whether it’s 30 minutes, or even 5–really gives me the opportunity to get focused for the day. I end up feeling relaxed and ready to tackle the challenges of the morning routine–whether it’s prepping kid lunches, hectic school drop-offs, or taming an unwieldy stack of essays that need grading!

Is your a.m. routine listed here, or do you have some other suggestions for making the most of your morning? What helps you wake up with a smile on your face?

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College Students: Dream Big


Are you heading back to campus soon?

Whether you’re a student or a teacher: Dream Big!

Connect ~ Inspire ~ Learn ~ Grow!

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“Hold Fast to Dreams, for if Dreams Die, Life is a Broken-Winged Bird that Cannot Fly.” Langston Hughes


1 Easy Way to Be a Hero

Be a Hero. Mentor a child.

Did you know…the presence of at least one caring, supportive adult in a child’s life can make all the difference?

I’m passionate about student success and educational equality. Sometimes, we look at our education system, and all we see are the broken pieces the media reports on, so we toss up our hands and say, “well what can I do, I’m just one person,”  absolving ourselves from the whole thing. But, that’s exactly right–you are ONE person and ONE person is all it takes. That’s the Power of You.

Research shows that when adults get involved to mentor and work with students, they have the power to help kids increase10573321855[1] academic achievement, stay on track, think more positively about themselves and increase their opportunities of going on to college.

Think you’re too busy to get involved? Mentoring doesn’t take as much time as you might think. It is as simple as signing up to read to a child for an hour a week. This can make all the difference in the life of an at-risk child, because statistics show us that a child that can’t read well by the end of third grade is FOUR times more likely to drop out of high school.

So, the easy way to earn your Super Hero cape? Sign up as a mentor. Help close the opportunity gap a little bit. And the funny thing is–you will end up feeling like you’re the one that was given a gift. That’s right! By helping someone else move forward a little bit…you move yourself forward.

If you don’t know where to start, try your local library or the United Way. If you already volunteer as a mentor, leave a comment and tell us what you’re involved in. If you think you might want to mentor a young person, but haven’t made the leap, what’s holding you back? I’d love to hear from you.


Source: Double Jeopardy: How 3rd Grade Reading Scores and Poverty Influence High School Graduation