College Ready

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Live Dangerously. Read!


 Celebrate Banned Books-read one of these 40 books that have been banned or otherwise challenged.

Biggest surprise? Charlotte’s Web. But maybe an even bigger surprise…the #1 Most Banned Book of 2012. Think you know what it is? Post your guess in the comments and I will let you know on Thursday.

For now, I’ll give you a hint–it *is a children’s book. Ok, I’ll give you two hints–it is not pictured here. Good luck!

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Lisa (aka, The Happy Teacher)

Author: lisa

I'm a college English instructor, passionate about education. Join me here and let's connect over cyber-coffee about things that matter.

4 thoughts on “Live Dangerously. Read!

  1. Captain Underpants. I couldn’t believe it. My brother LOVED those books as a kid, he’s 24 now and I think he still reads them. Besides Harry Potter those were the only books we could ever get my brother to read. I hate that people ban books just because they don’t understand or approve of them. Reading is reading and just because you don’t understand the appeal to them, doesn’t mean your child doesn’t. If they were really so inappropriate they wouldn’t be published or so popular. I personally can’t stand any of Dave Pilkey’s books, but that’s just me. When I worked at Barnes and Noble, I would show them to the young boys who were “eh” on reading, because I knew the boys would love the subject, what can I say, boys are gross, but we love them anyway. It’s like Judy Blume, she ends up on the banned book list almost every year. If you won’t want your kid to read something that’s your right as a parent, but you are not everyones’ parent and do not need to be making that decision for other people. I don’t understand the point of banning of books, I just don’t.


    • Yes! You got it right!! The one and only Captain Underpants was deemed the most “ban-worthy” book of 2012.

      I could not agree with you more that these are books that boys can get into, and establish a love of reading. Then, from there-they want to read. They want to get their hands on the next Dav Pilkey book that comes out. These books are funny. They make you laugh. They make you excited about turning the page and seeing what comes next. They make kids want to read. And, that’s what truly matters is that kids WANT to and Do read, not what they read. Thanks for your comment!! Have a good evening.


  2. Reblogged this on College Ready and commented:

    I’m reblogging this post in honor of Banned Books Week 2014, where that lovable baby in a diaper is once again the most dangerous book in America. Ahh Dav Pilkey. I’m so proud to be one of your biggest fans!

    The best way to fight censorship? Read. Read one of the books on this list, or read anything. Just read. ~Lisa 🙂


  3. Pingback: Great books for Banned Books Week 2017 | Sept. 24 - Sept. 30 -

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